How To: Apply Makeup For Beginners

How To: Apply Makeup For Beginners

Calling All Makeup Beginners! This Step By Step Guide Is For You

Have You Ever Thought To Yourself Like Hmm? I want to start learning how to
do my own makeup, and just start watching endless hours of YouTube videos or
TikTok videos on makeup videos, and just become obsessed and realized that
that is all you care about now. You probably thought to yourself like "This is
easy" or "I can do this in my sleep", but then you actually buy all the products
the "Makeup Gurus" tell you to buy and your completely lost on which step is
first again or you actually do your makeup and it doesn't turn out how you would
like it to be. Let me just tell you one thing been there done that! When your first
starting to to do your own makeup and you mess up, that's suppose to happen.
Did you think MakeupbyMario or Jackie Aina just woke up one day and learned
how to do amazing makeup?!? No, it takes practice to learn how to your
makeup that way you like it. And, we’ve got you covered with everything you
need to know to get started. you will get there just know that practice makes
perfect! So, now lets get into the basics of everything, and help you do a simple
Makeup Routine 

Step 1: Prep Your Skin

Before you start putting any type of makeup onto your your face you got to make sure that your face underneath is protected. Cleanse your face and apply moisturizer according to your skin type. You might have oily, combination, or dry skin. Get the products that fits your skin type.


Step 2: Primer

Next, is primer we prime our skin to create an even canvas on our skin, and by erasing those large pores we have. This will also blur out those fine lines you want to cover. Your makeup will look so flawless and not cakey. Here are some primers we recommend to help you get started.


Step 3: Foundation

Now, we are really getting into it. When you pick out your foundation make sure you get the foundation according to your skin type. In step one we talked about the different skin types, and foundations have ingredients that are recommended for a certain skin type. For example the Nars Longwear Radiant Foundation is best for Dry and Combination skin. A person with oily skin will stay away from this because at the end it will leave their skin looking very oily, and vice versa if a person who has dry skin picks up a foundation that's recommended for oily skin their skin at the will look very dry with cracked spots in their skin, that's why it is very important to know your skin type. Also, make sure to get the foundation closest to your skin complexion. Going into Sephora or Ulta they will help with finding your perfect shade match. 

When your applying your foundation to get the best results that have skin-like finish we recommend using a foundation brush and to dab (not drag) all over your face, neck, and ears. Make sure everything is covered and make sure to blend it out very good. This will have your skin looking very flawless and skin-like at the end.


Step 4: Concealer

Now. that your foundation is on and well blended it is time for concealer. We conceal to have extra coverage to hide those dark circles, pimples, or dark marks. We also conceal to brighten as well. Your concealer will hide everything. When picking out your concealer you have to get a concealer that is one to two shades lighter than your normal skin. This will help brighten up your skin to have a gorgeous glow. 

To conceal you start with your under eyes, forehead area, bridge of your nose, and also chin area. You can also apply extra coverage to any pimples or dark marks that are peaking out. Here is a demonstration on where to apply your concealer.

You can use a concealer brush or a damp sponge. Just be in mind that when using a damp sponge some product may come out and you will generally will have to apply more. Always dab and blending out your concealer is very important here become creasing can occur (under your eyes). Take your time and make sure everything is blended out.


Step 5: Contour

Next is contour, we use contour to add dimension to our face and help us get a snatched look. Contour comes in powder, liquid, and cream formulas, with powder being the most reliable, making it ideal for beginners. To start use an angled brush to wear you want to add dimension. This can be around your hairline, jawline, under your cheek bones and onto the sides of your nose. Here is a video demonstrating on how to contour. Contouring at first can be a little tricky but, remember practice makes perfect, and at the end you will become a pro.

To find your contour color get a shade that is two shades darker than you skin complexion


Step 6: Setting Powder

Now it is time to set your makeup to make sure that everything stays in place. To start you get a damp beauty sponge and work the sponge into the puff and tap off any access on the back of the hand. Then apply to to the areas that you concealed or just want to mattify. You can leave it on for a couple of minutes to "bake", but not too long to avoid looking ghostly. Here is a list of some great powders for my beginners.


Step 7: Eyebrows

Now we are onto the brows. The best way to carve out your brows when you are just starting out is with an Eyebrow pencil. This eyebrow pencil that from NYX is great to use and very affordable.

To begin start by outlining the under arch of the brow, moving toward the tail end, then blend using the spoolie. Outline the upper arch and blend using the spoolie. To add detail and dimension, add hairlike strokes to the front of the brow. Apply little pressure because this product is very pigmented. 


Step 8: Blush

Blush is very simple its is a pinkish color and you just add color onto your cheeks area and it comes in liquid, powder, and cream formulas. 

Step 9: Highlight

Now, this is some people's favorite part and that is highlight. Highlight is just adding some highlight onto the face. Add the highlighter above cheekbones, by the eyebrow arch, down the bridge of the nose and blend very well and this  will give you that soft glowy look. As always here are some of the best highlighters we recommend.

Step 10: Setting Spray

The last and final step is setting spray. Setting spray is used to make sure that your face stays in place throughout the whole day will not move. Spray at least three pumps and wait for it to dry and your all done.

But, are you really done if you do not add a pop of color onto the lips. This step is optional and you can either add a lip gloss or Matte lipstick. Here is some that we recommend that will last all day long without you having to reapply.


We can't wait to see you slay your makeup now, and don't forget practice makes perfect if you mess up, that is okay get up and try again.

Until next time.

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